About Me
Hello! I'm Aneudy Adames, a Full Stack Developer at NotaryLive. I work with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Laravel and VueJS. I also have experience with ReactJS, NodeJS, ExpressJS, and PostgreSQL. I have a strong background in customer service which gives me an understanding of customer’s needs, problem-solving, attention to detail, and communication. I am a massive fan of the MERN and PERN stacks and right now I’m enjoying integrating those technologies with as many things as possible, as you will see in my project section.
I have always been intrigued by the world of computers and how they work. If you are looking to hire a new developer to build new projects like web apps or static pages please contact me. I’m thrilled to collaborate with other developers.
My Work
One app. Easy to use. Unlimited possibilities. My goal is simple: BINGE combines the functions of a entertainment encyclopedia in combination with a todo list. BINGE allows the user to register, search and add or remove movies from the watchlist.
Invy is a responsive Inventory Management app implemented with React and CSS3 in the FrontEnd, Node, Express, PostgresSQL for the Backend & Firebase for user authentication. This Web-app helps users keep track of products in stock and sales.
ReactJS-React Hooks-Firebase-NodeJS-ExpressJS-CSS3
Web project collection is a website I created for two reasons: to showcase the projects I built while learning how to code, and for code newbies to have a place to find ideas for fun projects. The website has a list of 20+ projects developed with technologies such as HTML, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript, and ReactJS.
Designed and developed with HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, Webpack and TypeScript, ArtistPedia is a responsie web app for music fans to find up to date information about musicians such as bio, albums, and upcoming events. All the data was taken from a public API and handled the errors and content loading to have a better UX.